PHOTOS link –>> Bermuda, with 2 new baby granddaughters, Lily and May, family fun at Easter and more
Our visit to Bermuda was primarily timed to arrive for the birth of our daughter’s 1st baby – May – who was due on Good Friday. She beat us as she arrived the Sunday previous March 20th, the day before we left Panama.
Plus we had our son’s youngest daughter to meet, Lily, who had been born October 27th way back when we were in Colombia. We were both very excited to see and meet the new
Kate and Jae arrived back from the hospital the day after we arrived home. Baby May was 5lbs 10oz when born, just a wee little babe. She was incredibly petite in her tiny clothes, just so fragile. We enjoyed watching her grow to nearly 8lbs, become active, vocal, demanding and even playful in her 1st month. Now she is able to roll from her tummy to her back when having tummy time, which she seems to dislike. We both loved holding May and getting to know her.
Gavin and Katie’s daughter Lily was just delightful at 5 – 6 months, which she was during the month we were home. She was sitting when we returned, laughing squawking in delight and very much a happy, happy baby girl. On her play mat she would roll and roll over, basically already moving
around. She is incredibly interested in everyone and everything.
Such a inquisitive, lovely, cuddly, baby girl. We visited as much as we could wanting to spend as much time with Lily as possible.
Good Friday
In Bermuda Good Friday is a special day. There are many local traditions, which our whole family enjoys.
Primarily it is the day to fly Bermuda Kites with family and friends. The kites are traditionally made of sticks and tissue paper. The sticks were in the shape of the cross and by flying them they represent the ascension of Christ. These days’ kites come in all colours, shapes sizes and made of many materials.
Other important traditions, which we enjoy, are codfish (saltfish) cakes, hot cross buns and usually Easter egg hunts. This year our daughter Chrissie, after a prompt from us about coming home, arranged for the whole family and close friends to meet at
Astwood Park to enjoy a kite-flying extravaganza.
We arrived mid morning, set up on the top of the hill over looking the Southshore. It was a wonderfully sunny day, a bit windy, but you need wind for kites. Soon everyone arrived and we all proceeded to have a wonderful day together.
Dad’s accident
The next day while at my son’s house we had a phone call from Westmeath where my Dad is a resident/patient. My Dad had fallen and had a bump on his head, would we come and have a look and take him to be checked.
Off I set calling John for assistance. The bump turned into a huge lump, we spent the day and evening at the hospital getting Dad sorted out. He was very confused, his short-term memory has been quite bad for some years now, but that day it was very bad. Plus he kept repeating certain behaviors.
The hospital cat scanned him, tested blood, urine the works and only found a temperature and a white blood count of 18, which is very elevated. So near 10 at night they released him with a dose of antibiotics. Life for my Dad has not been the same since. He was back in hospital a few days later in quite poor shape, terribly confused and weak. After nearly 2 weeks in hospital he returned to Westmeath, but into the Nursing wing. There he is getting excellent care and is much happier.
John and I spent everyday taking turns at the hospital. I cleaned his old room with the hope he might return to it. In many ways it was fortuitous that we were home, as we were able to help so much. Having left for now I feel dad is in a comfortable, safe environment with our son Gavin monitoring the situation. Without Gavin we would not be able to continue our crusing life style as we are at present.
Easter Sunday
My daughter Chrissie arranged for the family to have a lovely Easter brunch at her place. (Upstairs from us) We all brought food and drink and Easter eggs. We had several hours of quality family time. It was just lovely to be together.
Gavin and Katie’s new boat
Gavin and Katie purchased a new boat. A 31-foot duel
outboard center consol, which is just wonderful for his family. He took us out for a “getting used to the boat” run.
We went towards Dockyard, hoping to see the America’s Cup boats out training. However as there was little wind they had not bothered to head out. The lack of wind meant that the day was very calm and the
conditions were beautiful with wonderful reflections upon the water.
From Dockyard where we did see the renovations taking place in preparation for the AC, we went towards the Islands in the Great Sound. It was a real trip down memory lane cruising through the islands where as a family and as a child I had spent so much time.
We passed Diving Board island, Hawkins, which is now ruined by being built on, Long Island, Nellie’s, through Paradise Lakes, passed Fern, where we camped as a family for many many summers and then along Harbour Road back to the Yacht Club. It was an excellent couple of hours out on the water, thank you, Gavin.
Visit to the Aquarium
We spent a lovely afternoon with Gavin, Katie and Lily at the Aquarium. Lily loves watching the fish swimming in the tanks. She literally talks to them as they glide by. We had refreshments in the small cafe overlooking Harrington Sound and then walked around some of the grounds. The flamingoes were also a hit with Lily.
Walks with our dogs:
I really enjoyed walking the dogs Lola and Nadia, with Chrissie each day when I got the chance. It is an excellent location for walks. From our house one can go through the tracks, along the dunes of the south shore beaches and have excellent walks. John and I managed to get out together for one walk which took us all the way to Horseshoe Bay along the tracks and dunes. Our way back we took the cliffs and dunes and finally the tracks home.
Western end of Bermuda
John and I took time off our duties and went off towards the West end. Our 1st stop was to the stable to see Jesse and Josie. John had been feeding the horses each day that it was necessary while back as Kate was busy feeding May. I had not had the time to visit them and wanted to see the newly improved stables too. They were both the same as ever and really just interested in the morning feed.
I needed to visit the family grave for my niece. The family grave is situated in St James Churchyard. The family site has been there since my grandparents passing, however many
of the surrounding graves are also of extended family members. It was a Sunday and so we could hear the service going on inside the old church. The churchyard is quite a lovely one with huge cedars of 100s of years old.
From there we drove towards Dockyard enjoying the narrow lanes and the views, onto Cambridge Beaches public dock where I spent many hours as a child and up to the boatyard. At the boatyard John chatted to a friend who owns a Gulfstar Hirsh exactly identical to Aeeshah. It was up for annual maintenance. We followed the lanes
out of Dockyard and saw the America’s Cups boats doing their sail practice. We stopped for a short time to watch. We enjoyed the few hours off.
Gavin and Katie’s dinner
Before we left Gavin and Katie had the family to their house for a Mexican dinner. Everyone was very entertained by the 2 babies Lily and May. The evening was wonderful!! And then it was time to return to Aeeshah.
But what about Chico?
Chico had spent his vacation time aboard Aeeshah, under the care of another cruising couple: Gillian and Gordon off svN’Aimless. Their boat was just over the finger pier from Aeeshah.
Gillian would feed him, spend time with him, walk with him and pamper him. He was a very indulged kitty while we were gone. Gillian reported how he would stalk crabs along the dock, stand up to the marina dogs, (he sort of made buddies with Luna the dog), try to sneak onto any boat he could and generally get up to mischief. A BIG thank you to Gillian and Gordon!!
“Leave the door open for the unknown, the door into the dark. That’s where the most important things come from, where you yourself came from, and where you will go.” — Rebecca Solnit
“Love grows by giving. The love we give away is the only love we keep. The only way to retain love is to give it away.”