CLICK FOR PHOTOS —>> 1st Adventure
Our first adventure
with Aeeshah was a short venture to Marathon. We left the dock at
Blue Waters Marina without any problems and headed down the canal to the Atlantic. The canal takes you past the back doors of the houses bit like being in Venice. Once out of the channel we headed to Rodrigous’s Cay where we anchored for our first night.
The morning saw us sailing towards Marathon. John was very happy to have the sails up. The boat sailed smoothly. We eventually dropped the jib as the wind had shifted and we were going down wind. The whole trip took about 8 hours as it was a 40 mile journey. We dropped anchor in Boot Key anchorage around 6pm. We were very
nervous, at least I was, being out with a new much larger boat in unfamiliar territory was daunting.
The next morning we dropped the dingy and headed into Marathon. There we walked to the stores, checked out the facilities and the marina. By 11:00 we were underway to Indian Key. The wind direction was not in our favour so we had to motor most of the way with John trying to get the jib up whenever there was
a wind shift. At Indian Key we picked up a mooring for the night.
Indian Key
In the morning we visited Indian Key, had a walk around and enjoyed the view from a tower in the middle. Quite amazing to think
people lived there and that they were massacred. Then we were off to wait for the high tide that would allow us to re-enter the canal to our marina. The high tide coincided with the sun going down which proved to be a bit of a problem. We couldn’t identify where to go in. The sun was disappearing and we were not familiar with the landscape. John eventually phoned Jerry who gave him a clue as to where the canal and the markers were located. Then we were in and dockside again. Phew!!! And we have only just started.